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Measuring the SDGs: an initial picture for the Netherlands

Prompted by the UN list of provisional indicators to monitor progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs), CBS has conducted a baseline measurement of where the Netherlands stands in terms of achieving the targets set for the SDGs. Relevant available data show that overall the Netherlands is doing well in many domains, but that there …

Cross Cutting
Monitoring & review tools

Business to business

Op deze pagina worden verzameld initiatieven rond de SDG’s, relevante cases van bedrijven en links naar bruikbare instrumenten en interessante onderzoeken.



Cross Cutting

SDGs in Nederland – Bouwstenen voor leefomgevingsbeleid voor 2030

Het PBL (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving) heeft verkend wat de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) betekenen voor het Nederlandse leefomgevingsbeleid. Welke nationale beleidskeuzes op het gebied van de fysieke leefomgeving (natuur en milieu) vloeien voort uit de SDG’s? De implementatie van de SDG’s in Nederland kan voortbouwen op bestaande doelstellingen, beleidsprogramma’s en rapportages, maar deze vergen …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

The Netherlands Planning, implementation, follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals

This survey was sent to the Governments of 56 UNECE member States (in this case The Netherlands) to collect inputs on three crucial topics:

The plans and approaches of governments to integrate the SDGs and targets in their national strategies and to implement them in their countries. The plans of governments to build and conduct …

Cross Cutting
Monitoring & review tools, Policy papers

Sustainability Agenda The Netherlands

This Sustainability Agenda sets out the government’s ambitions to make society more sustainable, as well as our main focal points and planned actions for creating a green economy. The government aims to achieve growth that does not exhaust the natural capital of the Earth, and to strengthen our economy. Green growth will ensure that future …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers