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Irish response to climate change ‘woefully inadequate’, say NGOs

March held in Dublin to mark two years since signing of Sustainable Development Goals

Ireland’s response to climate change has been “woefully inadequate” while the State is “dramatically off track” in meeting its emission reduction targets, Irish NGOs have warned.
The publication by the Government of a national action plan for implementation of …

Published: September 27, 2017
Cross Cutting, Goal 13
Articles, Monitoring & review tools

Mehr als 80 NGOs fordern: SDGs umsetzen – Zukunft ermöglichen!

Kaum Fortschritte in Österreich bei der Umsetzung der Ziele für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs): NGOs gründen Plattform SDG Watch Austria.

Wien (OTS) – Die UNO legte 2015 mit der Agenda 2030 und den darin enthaltenen Zielen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) einen Aktionsplan für die Menschen, den Planeten und für Wohlstand fest. Mehr als 80 österreichische …

Cross Cutting
Articles, SDG coalitions

Inequality will not be solved by attention-grabbing private sector initiatives – it requires serious transformation of power relations and resource distribution

New York, 19 July 2017: On the last official day of the UN High-Level Political Forum, civil society express concern that ‘vision without implementation is hallucination’.

Despite soaring rhetoric, glossy reports and slick presentations, the fact remains that implementation on the ground is “stalled”, as highlighted in a series of civil society national reports as …

Cross Cutting

ECE Regional Forum Exchanges Ideas on Indicators, SDG Implementation Challenges

The first Regional Forum on Sustainable Development convened on 25 April 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland. Through it, the UNECE region seeks to follow up on and review implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region.
The RFSD also provides an opportunity for countries to share lessons learned, best …

Cross Cutting

Overhaul of farm policy crucial for EU to meet sustainable development goals, new study shows

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is not even delivering on its own stated objectives let alone on several of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals that the European Union holds up as its guiding principles.


Source: EEB

Goal 01, Goal 02, Goal 03, Goal 06, Goal 07, Goal 08, Goal 10, Goal 12, Goal 13, Goal 15

Développement durable : Pourquoi faire participer la société civile à sa mise en œuvre ?

Inter-Environnement Wallonie encourage la Wallonie à se doter d’une véritable stratégie de participation des acteurs et des citoyens dans l’implémentation et le suivi du développement durable. Mettre en évidence les raisons et les priorités qui sous-tendent le souhait de nos autorités publiques de faire participer est une étape essentielle et indispensable à l’implémentation des ODD. …

Cross Cutting

UN Member States Discuss Climate-SDGs Linkages at High-Level Event

President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Peter Thomson convened a High-Level Event, titled ‘Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda,’ in collaboration with the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The event sought to provide an opportunity to highlight synergies between actions to address climate change and the 2030 Agenda …

Goal 07, Goal 13, Goal 17