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National multi sectoral coalitions

SDG Watch Europe is supporting national civil society organisations from different sectors to come together and collaborate more effectively on the monitoring of the correct implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This work is visualised through a simple map now. All these coalitions and alliances bring together organisations from very different backgrounds to work …

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, EU, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland
SDG coalitions

Falling through the cracks: Exposing inequalities in the EU and beyond

Despite the European union’s commitment to leave no one behind, millions of people in Europe are falling victim to widening inequalities. This EU wide report, shines a light on the impact of rising inequalities on people and planet. It maps the reality of various forms of inequality, both nationally and at the European level. It …

Published: June 18, 2019
Goal 10
Austria, Czech Republic, EU, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain
Policy papers

NGO mobilisation around the SDGs

NGO mobilisation is required to ensure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are implemented at the national level. This study investigates how NGOs mobilise in European countries, with a special focus on
France and Germany, in order to encourage action and to identify obstacles and ways forward. It appears that although NGOs are increasingly aware …

Cross Cutting
EU, France, Germany
SDG coalitions

Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go is a hyper-local environmental social enterprise dedicated to reducing food waste.

The mission is to save food, save money and save the planet by placing the lost value back onto food as humankind’s most valuable energy resource, and not something that should just be carelessly throw in the bin. Why? Because …

Goal 02, Goal 12
Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, United Kingdom

Mise en œuvre des ODD : que font les pays ?

Cet Issue Brief compare les rapports d’avancement des 22 pays volontaires à l’exercice de revue nationale présentés lors de la dernière session du Forum politique de haut niveau (FPHN) qui s’est tenue à New York du 11 au 20 juillet 20161 . Dans la mesure où le format de ces rapports est laissé à l’appréciation …

Cross Cutting
France, UN
Monitoring & review tools

La France passera-t-elle le test des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) ?

Une évaluation des nouveautés et des défis des ODD pour la France.

Notre analyse non exhaustive de 29 cibles montre que la France court le risque de ne pas atteindre plus de la moitié d’entre elles d’ici à 2030, notamment en matière de pauvreté, d’égalité entre les sexes ou à l’école, de biodiversité. L’atteinte des …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Accéder à une énergie propre et favoriser les énergies renouvelables

Il n’existe pas de solution unique et mondiale pour répondre aux enjeux environnementaux, de sécurité énergétique et d’accès. La transition énergétique doit correspondre à une prise en compte des ressources et des besoins de chaque territoire en propre, s’appuyer sur de nouvelles formes de coopération, technologiques, financières et techniques, entre territoires et au niveau international. …

Goal 07
Policy papers

Implementing the 2030 Agenda at Home and Abroad Presents New Challenges to France

The fact that France has volunteered for National Reviews at the High Level Political Forum in July 2016 initiates the long road that will lead to the implementation of Agenda France 2030, both domestically and internationally.

France must now get involved in implementing a just transition from an unsustainable economy to genuinely sustainable development that …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers