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Sustainability Agenda The Netherlands

This Sustainability Agenda sets out the government’s ambitions to make society more sustainable, as well as our main focal points and planned actions for creating a green economy. The government aims to achieve growth that does not exhaust the natural capital of the Earth, and to strengthen our economy. Green growth will ensure that future …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Strategic Challenges A Further Elaboration of the Swedish Strategy for Sustainable Development

This communication represents a further elaboration of the Swedish strategy for sustainable development presented in 2004. The strategy covers all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. The strategy proceeds from a long-term vision of sustainable development. The communication also deals with the international sustainable development effort, including UN initiatives and the EU’s …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Valoración de la agenda 2030

Este documento constituye una valoración de las implicaciones, potencialidades y debilidades de diferentes cumbres (como  la Cumbre de Nueva York para la adopción de la Agenda 2030, la Cumbre de Addis Abeba sobre financiamiento, la Cumbre de Paris sobre el clima), como paso previo a la definición de propuestas políticas e indicadores para la implementación …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Un año de agenda 2030 en España – Mucho por hacer

Cuando se cumple un año de su adopción la agenda 2030 ha recibido una respuesta desigual por parte de los 193 países que la han suscrito y deben aplicarla, y solo un grupo destacado ha puesto ya sobre la mesa políticas, presupuestos y mecanismos de control. España no es uno de ellos.

El ejercicio de indicadores …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Slovenia’s Development Strategy

Slovenia’s Development Strategy (SDS) sets out the vision and objectives of Slovenia’s development, including five development priorities with the corresponding action plans. At the forefront of the new Strategy is the overall welfare of every individual. Therefore, the Strategy does not focus solely on economic issues but also involves social, environmental, political, legal and cultural …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers