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Sustainable Development Goals: Implementation in Europe – Delivering on the Environmental Dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Conference report (EEB, EESC,UNEP): “Sustainable Development Goals – Implementation in Europe” and preparations for the second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2) in 2016.

The message of the more-than-220 participants representing a wide range of stakeholders was very clear: Business-as-usual will not work because the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda “Transforming the World”, is …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Reforming Europe towards Sustainability

The present paper identifies three conditions for making progress: the recognition of well-being, rather than growth in GDP, as an overall objective; achieving sustainable lifestyles; and reforming governance to better serve the goal of sustainable development. Specific proposals under the latter heading include reform of the Commission’s REFIT and impact assessment processes, creation of a …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

FACTSHEET „Die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) und die Post-2015-Agenda: Ziele für Armutsbekämpfung, inklusive Gesellschaften und Umweltschutz“

Was sind die SDGs? Was hat Deutschland damit zu tun? Und was heißt das für die Zivilgesellschaft? Auf diese Fragen gibt unser Factsheet „Die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) und die Post-2015-Agenda: Ziele für Armutsbekämpfung, inklusive Gesellschaften und Umweltschutz“ eine Antwort. Einfach und auf den Punkt gebracht, um die Debatte zur Umsetzung der SDGs in und …

Cross Cutting
Monitoring & review tools

Action 4SD

Conscious of the need to build a broad-based movement and of the need to strike an effective balance between pausing to draw lessons and retaining the momentum, the following four global civil society networks have agreed to work together to oversee the next steps in building this new global platform on sustainable development:


Cross Cutting
SDG coalitions

UNEP Climate Change and SDGs

Very short video linking Climate Change to all SDGs.

Urgent action to combat climate change and minimize its disruptions is integral to the successful implementation of the #GlobalGoals.

Source : UNEP

Cross Cutting, Goal 13
Social media

The Shift

The Shift is the Belgian meeting point for sustainability. Together with our members and partners we want to realise the transition to a more sustainable society and economy.


Cross Cutting

Poland Case Study- Analysis of National Strategies for Sustainable Development

The “Sustainable Development Strategy for Poland up to 2025” (Polska 2025) is the main framework, elaborated by the Polish Government. It is a multidimensional strategy and the focal point for other plans, programmes and strategies. Due to its longterm perspective, sustainable development is perceived of as a process that allows for a gradual balancing of …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Mainstreaming sustainable development – The Government’s vision and what this means in practice

This refreshed vision and our commitments build on the principles that underpinned the UK’s 2005 SD strategy, by recognising the needs of the economy, society and the natural environment, alongside the use of good governance and sound science. Sustainable development recognises that the three ‘pillars’ of the economy, society and the environment are interconnected. The …

Cross Cutting
United Kingdom
Policy papers