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National multi sectoral coalitions

SDG Watch Europe is supporting national civil society organisations from different sectors to come together and collaborate more effectively on the monitoring of the correct implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This work is visualised through a simple map now. All these coalitions and alliances bring together organisations from very different backgrounds to work …

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, EU, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland
SDG coalitions

Falling through the cracks: Exposing inequalities in the EU and beyond

Despite the European union’s commitment to leave no one behind, millions of people in Europe are falling victim to widening inequalities. This EU wide report, shines a light on the impact of rising inequalities on people and planet. It maps the reality of various forms of inequality, both nationally and at the European level. It …

Published: June 18, 2019
Goal 10
Austria, Czech Republic, EU, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain
Policy papers

Romania’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030

Romania’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 defines Romania’s national framework for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, providing a roadmap for achieving the 17 SDGs.

This Strategy is divided into three chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction looks at the recent history of Sustainable Development as a concept from an international, European, and …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers, Presentations

Romania National Action Plan 2016-2018

Romania 2016-2018 National Action Plan is based on the lessons learned from the implementation of the previous NAP, the recommendations from the IRM 2015 progress report and Romania’s commitment to promote the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Source: Government of Romania

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

National Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania 2013-2020-2030

The Strategy outlined in this document displays a coherent vision of Romania’s future in the next two decades from the angle of the generous and realistic concept of sustainable development.

In its present form, the Strategy drew on the considerable effort that was made in the past few years to prepare and implement national strategic …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers