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Slovenia’s Development Strategy

Slovenia’s Development Strategy (SDS) sets out the vision and objectives of Slovenia’s development, including five development priorities with the corresponding action plans. At the forefront of the new Strategy is the overall welfare of every individual. Therefore, the Strategy does not focus solely on economic issues but also involves social, environmental, political, legal and cultural …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

National Strategy for Sustainable Development for the Slovak Republic

The basic orientation of the Slovak Republic should be a long-term, aim conscious and comprehensive direction to building a society, which is based on principles of sustainable development and its practical application. Achievement of this orientation requires in all areas of the society orientation towards these long-term priorities (integrated objectives) of sustainable development of the …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

National Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania 2013-2020-2030

The Strategy outlined in this document displays a coherent vision of Romania’s future in the next two decades from the angle of the generous and realistic concept of sustainable development.

In its present form, the Strategy drew on the considerable effort that was made in the past few years to prepare and implement national strategic …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Ends 2015

A presente Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ENDS) cumpre a função que é própria das estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável como referências para as diversas políticas sectoriais ou conjunturais, assumindo um horizonte de longo prazo e corporizando visões integradas do desenvolvimento, bem como uma dimensão internacional, que é hoje exigida pela natureza de muitos dos problemas …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

A Sustainable Development Strategy for the Maltese Islands 2007-2016

In March 2006, the National Commission for Sustainable Development appointed a second Task Force, in order to update the original draft of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, published in July 2004, by incorporating suggestions put forward by various organisations and individuals that were consulted during 2004 and 2005 and by government ministries, departments and …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Ein nachhaltiges Luxemburg für mehr Lebensqualität

In dem Arbeitspapier „Luxembourg Vision“ (siehe Anhang) wurden grundlegende Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung Luxemburgs thematisiert und versucht die grundlegenden Orientierungen und Zusammenhänge, eventuelle Zielkonflikte und Abstimmungsbedarf zwischen den Lösungskonzepten für diese Herausforderungen aufzuzeigen. Dieser Plan beschreibt in Teil 1 die nicht nachhaltigen Trends und setzt dagegen die Ziele von Umwelt- und Lebensqualität, sozialer und wirtschaftlicher …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

National Strategy for Sustainable Development Lithuania

The main objective of sustainable development in Lithuania remains the same: to achieve, by 2020, the average development level of EU countries of 2003 according to the indicators of economic and social development as well as to the efficiency in consumption of resources, and to stay within the EU’s permissible limits with respect to the …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030

The development of the strategy began in summer 2007 with analysis of global development tendencies and their impact on Latvia. The basic principles of the sustainable development strategy of Latvia were presented in the national forum ―Take-off. Latvia 2030‖ in October 2008.

The core of sustainable development of Latvia is improvement of the productivity of human, …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Strategia d’azione ambientale per lo sviluppo sostenibile in Italia

I principi ispiratori della strategia di azione ambientale per lo sviluppo sostenibile per il nostro Paese sono fondamentalmente:

l’integrazione dell’ambiente nelle altre politiche; la preferenza per stili di vita consapevoli e parsimoniosi; l’aumento nell’efficienza globale dell’uso delle risorse; il rigetto della logica d’intervento “a fine ciclo” e l’orientamento verso politiche di prevenzione; la riduzione degli sprechi; l’allungamento …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers

Our Sustainable Future a Framework for Sustainable Development for Ireland

The overarching national policy framework for sustainable development is set out in this document but the detailed policy approaches and relevant commitments will be addressed in policy statements in individual sectors.

This Framework takes the year 2020 as the time frame for its outlook and outcomes. This is partly because 2020 is within the planning …

Cross Cutting
Policy papers