National Strategy for Sustainable Development for the Slovak Republic

The basic orientation of the Slovak Republic should be a long-term, aim conscious and comprehensive direction to building a society, which is based on principles of sustainable development and its practical application. Achievement of this orientation requires in all areas of the society orientation towards these long-term priorities (integrated objectives) of sustainable development of the Slovak Republic:

  • Developed democratic country
  • Modern state and system of public administration
  • Highly-developed civic society
  • Social solidarity and social protection
  • Balanced territorial development
  • High quality of human and social resources
  • New model of economy
  • High quality of the environment, protection and rational use of natural resources
  • Assurance of life and safety for citizens, existence and functioning of the state
  • Application of fundamental interests of the Slovak Republic

This strategy was adopted in 2001.

Source:ย Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe – REC Slovakia ย and Minsitry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic