National Voluntary Review 2017: Sweden

Extensive work is under way in Sweden that contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The knowledge and commitment of the population is of fundamental importance. The Parliament has examined and decided on several of the Governmentโ€™s Communications and Bills that have a particular bearing on the 2030 Agenda. All ministries have produced action plans that provided a basis for the Government Communication from 2016 on the Policy for Global Development linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, and have reported on their implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The reports show that all of the sustainable development goals are reflected in the activities of the ministries.

In March 2016, the Government appointed a committee tasked with supporting work on Swedenโ€™s implementation of the 2030 Agenda nationally and internationally. The committee presented on 1 June 2017 a proposal for an action plan for the 2030 Agenda. The proposal, which will be considered by the Government in 2017, will serve as a basis for establishing a national action plan for the Agenda. The Committe is also conducting a broad dialogue on sustainable development with government agencies, county councils and municipalities, the social partners, the business sector, civil society and the research community.
